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2030 Benson Road, Point Roberts, WA 98281 | 360-945-3473

Your firefighters see serious injuries and property loss caused by fireworks every year on and around the Fourth of July. We’re concerned and we need your help. Here’s what you can do to help make this a safer July 4:

Attend a public fireworks display:

Skip the trip to the fireworks stand and attend a public display. This is the SAFEST way to enjoy fireworks.

Observe bans and restrictions

Don’t use or tolerate illegal fireworks:

Be a good neighbor and a good citizen. Don’t use illegal fireworks and don’t tolerate the use of illegal fireworks by family members, friends or partygoers.

Fireworks purchased on tribal lands, out of state or over the internet may be illegal. Firecrackers, bottle rockets and skyrockets are ALL illegal to possess and discharge.

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